I take risks. When I was younger, I jumped off a water fall, stayed alone in the mountains fasting for days and even held snakes - come to think of it as an older person I went into the Amazon jungle at night, climbed a small mountain in the Himalayas (it doesn't seem so small when it takes 6 hours to reach the top) and arrived in Seoul with a guide book and no plans. BUT and it's a big but, the real risks are the inner risks. The big risks are the ones where I let go of my concepts of who I am and free fall into life without evaluating it. I take the risk of being present and resting in the stillness. This is the risk of waking up and it's the only risk that is worthwhile.
This process is the mental renunciation of me as a body, a mind, a past.
This blog is about making your life easier. Even though it may not look cohesive - you may wonder what my post have to do about ease - everything is about ease. When I do what love, love, everything is easier. So I share from the flow of my inspiration and life and for me that is the ease.
A Course in Miracles says "Simplicity is difficult for twisted minds." Make it easy, take it easy and make it an easier day,