Victoria’s eyes rested on his
rugged jaw as if her life depended on it. He was her answer to every fantasy,
but now he was dead. He was able to take a temporary physical form, but she
knew the ethereal body wouldn’t last. He was minutes from disappearing forever.
Her heart was already mourning the loss. Life would not smile again and the
love of her life would fade from her memory, unless she could find a way to
bring him permanently back to life.
She knew the Creminians had secret
ways. Her mother told stories of the dead coming to life. It was a long time
ago, but the ancient practices held the key to immortality and reanimation of
the deceased. “Hold on my love,” she
shouts across the divide. “I will spend my life finding The Way.”
This could be an excerpt from a modern love story. It’s a
story of unrequited love. Victoria’s life and well-being depend on her lover’s
existence. Unfortunately this is the illusion of the western way. We worship
the idea that the love of a special person will bring delight to our world,
fill our hearts with love, and give meaning and purpose to our lives.
Looking for a partner to fulfill our lives is like eating
fast food. Fast food will fill you up for a while, even bring a smile, but if
all one eats is fast food, then their health will eventually suffer. The body
needs natural whole foods on a regular basis to flourish.
We need more than the love of a partner to feed the soul.
Romantic love is not a soul-lution. It is not a bad thing; it is just a fleeting thing. It is a groovy kind of love, as the song says, but
love is the fast food
of love. Being in the presence of one who deeply loves himself or herself and one who knows their true identity, brings us much closer to love
than when we are with one who expresses their undying affection for us.
Doesn’t it feel good to be around someone who loves all of
including themselves and others? They have nothing to prove and don’t need to
get anything from anyone. They don’t live life with a hidden agenda. People
flock to gurus because of the nourishing love that flows from such
self-realized saints, but ultimately the saint points the disciple in another
direction. The guru points them back to themselves and illuminates the disciple
so s/he can see the light within.
The New Year is a time of reflection. What is my life about?
Why am I here? How should I spend my time and energy? Ultimately the question
that puts an end to all questioning is, “Who am I?” These are the questions
that allow us to bring accountability to our lives and the questions that open
the door to a real soul- lution. Forget the worn out questions
like: “Why am I not rich, successful, loved, or appreciated?” These are dead
end questions.
If the questions above leave you flat, then learn the ways
of the mind. Learn how to listen to that which is deep within. Allow the mind
to spend its time learning to listen, rather than learning how to fix things.
I’m not speaking about leaving things broken. Of
course we have to fix a flat tire. I’m
speaking of touching the ground of being as a
way of living, rather than reaching to the stars for more fast food. Forget
about love stories, fantasies, and longing. They are bits of desire that
lead to suffering and we don’t have to be about suffering. Let’s be about life,
satisfaction, love, and well-being. It’s our destiny to show up in our lives
and to awaken to our true selves. May this year reflect the peace and joy in
life and may you always find that life can be EZier and EZier.
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