Anticipation was growing for all those who entered.
Our consciousness was raised to an all time high,
‘Cause we knew that the Christ mind would soon be nigh.
Our hearts’ lights were shining, our faces were cheery,
No room in the mind for thoughts that were dreary,
And all of the sudden there arose the mind chatter,
That said we were stupid and that we didn’t matter.
The voice of the ego had popped up again,
And said we were guilty and all born in sin.
It ranted and raved and caused such a fuss,
That we doubted our Christ minds to the point that we cussed.
On guilty, on sleazy, on dummy, on lazy,
The ego drove our minds till we felt sort of crazy.
Then depressed and deflated we sat in a heap,
With all our enlightened thoughts going to sleep.
We started to pray, we started to ask,
For a different perception, for freedom at last.
Forgiveness was offered and innocence too
And before we all knew it our Christ minds renewed.
In one holy instant our knowingness came
And we felt the presence of Christmas again.
1984 Anne Sermons Gillis Excerpt Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic
published by Easy Times Press
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