I am aware that some of the posts look weird. These are ones I've taken from Word and done a cut and paste. Who wants to retype an article into a blog box? I rework the article and when I've made corrections and reformatted some things, I press publish icon. That's when it gets weird. I've worked on all kinds of fixes, those I've thought of, those my friends thought of, and those the blog problems page recommend. These fixes do not work. Some of the fixes work for a while but they stop working.
Is a blog a reflection of life? Life has rules but they are merely suggestions. Once you find out how things are, either the things change or the how they are changes. We get back to the one life constant. "Change."
The course I would not take in high school was typing. I thought if I learned to type, I would have to be a secretary. That was one of three jobs available to women when I was young. You were a teacher, a secretary, or a wife. I chose wife, hobbled into sales but really ended up as a sales secretary. I am my own hunt and peck secretary. Gee I wish my secretary could type. Then she could easily retype the article from Word into the blog box and when I hit publish, the blog would be correctly formatted. I could press the publish icon and have a uniform font size and the words wouldn't go off in their own direction.
Now to top that off, I'm getting several phone calls daily for a toll free number that is one digit off from my toll free number. It's just started happening, so I'm going to guess it's a new number. It's for some kind of drug plan for an RX partner. I just talked to Jane from Michigan who was happy to give me the scoop. She called her insurance company and I answered. I was really good, no existential lecture. The number to dial is 800-711- 4550 and my number is 800-711-4580. One call is not a problem, but if I get several calls a day every day, I get to pay a nice little sum for all these misdialed calls.
I think this serves me right for thinking about receiving several business calls a day. I receive the calls but my mental pondering was not as succinct as it might have been; I now receive business calls for someone else. If you don't know what I'm talking about - here's a short lesson. Here I go with my lesson - now I'm into the third choice - teacher.
I believe that what you think about, you bring about. When I think hateful thoughts - I draw hate to me. When I think in peaceful thoughts, I draw peaceful circumstances into my life.
So what I've learned from all this is that if I maintain a peaceful demeanor than I will not get upset over blog improprieties, strange callers that I pay to call me or changes in life. When I do this I find that my life can be easier and easier.
And just to stay weird, the picture was taken in a German restaurant in Southern India. I can still remember that cake. One of the best I've ever had. Food again. It's a family thing. You know my family - the human family.
Web Site http://www.annegillis.com/
Products for an Easier Life http://www.annegillis.com/Books-CDs-Etc.html
Since this post, I've discovered some of the secrets to making the blog obey me. Open sezame. I love the illusion of control.