Happy Imagination Day. Imagination is the seed thought of creation. I can remember when I was a teenager. I would fall asleep imagining being married. I would see a wedding ring on my finger. I would feel it on my skin. I would see myself getting on an airplane. In these days our society was not as mobile as it is today. Going on a trip was a big deal. Subsequently did marry and I enjoyed travelling around the world.
AS I grew older, I began to imagine in different ways. I would imagine being happy, having good relationships and being free from my ego. Wherever our attention goes, our life flows. What seeds do you want to plant with your imagination?
If we wake up in the morning and imagine a hard day, we will find that to be our truth. Our mind interprets life to be as we believe it to be. Life as we see it is a compilation of our imagination. If this is true, and I believe it is, then maybe we might want to nurture a boundless enthusiastic imagination. DO that today. Imagine your life to be full of what you want. Imagine yourself as fulfilled, happy, and supported by life. Imagine your work as being easy and yourself as being efficient and effective.
My friend Don Wells made a video of my imagining going to Hawaii. He took the voice segment form a CD made in 2003. Check it out, can you feel the power of imagination? Happy Imagination Day. And don’t forget to eat well, think responsibly and make life easier every day.
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