How do I surrender? Everyone wants to let go, but how do you do that? Here’s a process to help you let go and to have an easier day.
The EZ U Process
Get out of the School of Hard Knocks!
Step 1: I admit that today, in this moment, my life is a struggle.
Step 2: I am willing to consider the possibility that my life can be easier.
Step 3: I dedicate my mind and heart to discovering an easier way to perceive and create my life.
Step 4: I am willing to be aware of any conscious or hidden need to suffer or struggle.
Step 5: Anything other than ease is fear.
Step 6: I release my need to control and fix this situation.
Step 7: I relax my body and become aware of my body’s needs, then attend to them.
Step 8: I face my emotions.
Step 9: I surrender my situation, problem or feeling to GUS (God/Universe/Spirit). Imagine yourself looking at a vast star filled sky. Take your mind off the situation and go to this image of expansion. Lose yourself - just for a moment - in the grandeur of the universe. (Use any image that works for you such as a blue cloud filled sky or the ocean)
Step 10: I write down any reaction or feeling I have as a result of letting go (or reflect silently).
By this time you should feel more present and lighter. Happy Surrender Day.
* Excerpted From EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of Easy or at Least Easier Living. © 2003 Easy Times Press 281- 419 -1775
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