Even though it seems like women corner the market on intuition, men use intuition too. Women tend to use their intuition more in relationships and men use theirs in business. My ex-husband had a knack . He made a fortune using his gut feelings about the growth areas in our city and he followed that hunch. Some people seem to have reverse intuition; it’s like they follow misfortune.
Want to juice up your ability to feel and follow those hunches? Ask yourself this question,” What is the next step?” Practice this throughout the day even when you know what you are planning to do next. Then listen. This strengthens our ability to be in touch with that inner knowing.
If you are into intuition, I’ll be giving a teleseminar on intuition next Wed. 28 at 2 PM CST. 2 PM CST call (209) 647-1600 Conference Call Number Access Code 539554 #
EZosophy is about living life without ego driven drama while maintaining a quality life of easy or at least easier living. When we are in touch with wisdom that expands beyond our limited doubting systems, we move into the realm of power and creativity. Go on listen, listen to your intuition. Happy Intuition Day.
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