Happy National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day? This is not a joke. It is really a holiday.
It’s been my quest to have a holiday every day, but I don’t think that National Chocolate Covered Raisin day does it for me. How about Happy Peace Day? Everyone seems to want peace, but considering the rage we see on the road and the bickering between counties, political parties and even couples, I suspect we only give lip service to the idea of peace.

Give that inner voice a rest – the one that tears us down. That qualifies as inner violence. It’ violence against our spirit and sense of well-being. Why not be self-supportive and peaceful towards ourselves?
Did you know that March was named after the Roman God Mars? He was the god of war. I’m thinking we should rename the month. Who wants “war” month? I declare this month “Pachem.” That’s peace in Latin.
Even though John Lennon is dead, peace lives on. Today, let’s let it live in us as us. Happy Peace Day and peace Month.
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