We all go to great lengths to create and participate in drama. ”That’s crazy”, you may think. Did I mention we are all somewhat insane? Don’t fight it, just know that when we make crazy choices, that supersede our best interests, we are a little nuts. We do have the ability to go sane. Asking pertinent questions, which bring us into the present, makes a great contribution to our peace of mind and well-being. The questions serve as a call to consciousness. It’s called inquiry.
Ask these questions throughout the day and see the effects of a calmer perception creep in. “What is the focal point for my drama right now and do I want or need the drama?” That question doesn’t require an answer, it’s about stopping the mind it its tracks. Remember the situation can be difficult, but it is that way because our thoughts, our feelings and our need to dramatize, rather than because of reality. Events are neutral. Thoughts are either helpful or destructive.
Next ask, “If this were easier, how would I be doing this or seeing this?” We identify with our drama. We want recognition for our pain or dilemma. Just for today consider getting out of the drama rama and making your life easier. Ease is honorable. Suffering is out!
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