In 1997 I met a woman who rocked my world. Gangaji was an ordinary, born in the USA, high school cheer leader. Yet she was a master. At the feet of the master so to speak, my mind slowed and months of peace and bliss followed. I say at the feet of the master because I was invited to a small private satsang where I sat at her feet. As I sat beside her I could see all the efforting of the past, yet in this clear moment of grace, life sparkled in deep simplicity and peace. All I could do was laugh. It wasn’t that hyper type of laughter, but more the silent understanding of the truth that brought endless joy to life. I imagined my internal good fortune would stretch forever and as in the movies, there’s always a kink in the story. I knew it wouldn’t last, because I’ve had so many awakenings, but in the moment I could not imagine not being aware of the sweetness and presence of truth. The levels of bliss did not last but I kept my eye and heart on presence as much as I could.
In 2008 I travelled in India and on one jaunt went Ramana’s ashram. It was a privilege to mediate in the caves where Ramana meditated. I felt at home in this small Indian village – no it was more than that. When I arrived the emotions were so strong I cried for a day. “I am home. I am home.” resounded in every fiber of my being and body. When it was time to leave, I armed myself with as many books as I could carry.
During a later period, I was following Ramana’s instructions for Vichara. I devoted all my energy to the practice, but the more I worked at it, the farther the dangling carrot moved. I wondered if there was anyone else doing this work so I did a search on Vicahra. I found a Youtube and an amazing guy who had been through the same sequence as I. John Sherman encountered Gangaji, fell from grace, then explored Ramana’s teachings and Vichara as a path to enlightenment. In his direct encounter with reality, John experienced the simplicity and ease of life. He teaches you to take a moment to look at yourself and feel what it feels like to be you. This easy action, when done with frequency, becomes the medicine to heal the mind from its need to warp reality into endless stories and fables. This look is the miracle that dissolves the fear of life.
John has a movement now in which one can pledge to take “Just One Look.” I’m asking you to spend today just stopping your mind and taking that dive into the direct experience of you. And then do it again. It only takes a millisecond. I can personally tell you this act begins the dissolution of the experience of separation. Just try it. Visit this link to get full instructions on the “Just One Look” experience. And for today – just LOOK. Happy Just One Look Day.
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